
A pleasant-sounding voice is nice, but a truly effective voice over involves quite a bit more than simply speaking the right set of words into a microphone.

A voice over should engage the listener, capture their attention, and convince them: “this is true!”…or, better yet, persuade them: “you must do!”

In short, an effective voice over moves your audience. Without them even realizing they are being moved.

Contact me today for expert yet affordable assistance in bringing your script to life, moving your audience, and realizing the results your project deserves.

Audio Demos

Voice Style/Type

Genuine and Warm are the first words that come to most clients' minds when describing Jon’s voice. Trustworthy, Sincere, Authoritative, Friendly, Fresh, Powerful, Energetic, and Relatable are also accurate.

Jon's voice has been described as Conversational, Authentic, Confident, Believable, Guy Next Door, High Energy, Casual, Approachable, Hip, Corporate, Informative, Sophisticated, and Professional.

His style could be closely compared to Sam Elliott, George Clooney, Kevin Bacon, and Jeff Bridges

Performance Capabilities

Once nicknamed “Basso Profundo”, Jon's voice has also been described as: Calming, Reassuring, Conversational, Witty, Attractive, Excited, Narrator, Storyteller, Teacher, Everyman, Executive, Engaging, Upbeat, Articulate, Inspirational, Educational, Corporate, Natural, Animated, Enthusiastic, Deep, Knowledgeable, Calm, Caring, Amusing, Youthful, Strong, Serious, Narrator, Happy, Comforting, Dynamic, Intellectual, Motivational, Bold, Classy, High Energy, Thoughtful, Commanding, Smooth, Uplifting, Playful, Attentive, Masculine, Soothing, Easygoing, Softspoken, Funny, Straightforward, Reassuring, Endearing, Proud, Professorial, Humorous, Persuasive, Preacher, Aged.


Ultra-quiet, acoustically treated home studio

Neumann TLM 103

Apollo Solo

Source Connect/Skype/Zoom

Industry Niches






Internet Video

Medical Narration

Movie Trailers






Voice Assistant

Medical Narration

TV Affiliate

TV Ads